Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Feast of Pentecost- Fifty Days-Giving of the Law; Giving of the Spirit

Pentecost: a Harvest of Souls for Yeshua

The Feast of Pentecost

The next great feast Jehovah commanded Israel to keep was the Feast of weeks or the Feast of Pentecost, as referred to in the New Testament. The major scriptures dealing with the things pertaining to the feast are found in the following passages: (Please read)

Ex 19-20, 24; Duet 16:9-12; Ex 23:16-17; Ex 34:22-23; Lev 23:15-21; Num 28:26-31; Act 2;
2 Cor 3; Heb 8.                                                                                                                                       

A study of the feast shows that it pointed to the coming of the Holy Ghost to empower the Church, and to write upon the hearts and minds of the believers the New Covenant commandments. This will become evident by our consideration of the historical and typical workings in Israel and their fulfillment in the church of God on the day of Pentecost.

          I.     The Story in Brief:

The Exodus of Israel from Egypt took place under the Feast of Passover in the first month (Abib-(green ears), Nisan). After crossing the Red Sea on the Festival of First Fruits the 17th of Nisan they were being led by the pillar of fire to the foot of Mt. Sinai. Here at Sinai they experienced the Feast of Pentecost, in the third month, which is Sivan. At Sinai the Law of the ten commandments was written and given to Israel which was their covenant which made them the nation of Israel and the wife of God. It was here at the mountain of God that God revealed the Tabernacle of the Lord, the Aaronic priesthood and the sacrificial system. Here again the nation was established as “the church in the wilderness” (Act 7:38). Later on, when Israel entered the Promised Land, special and peculiar offerings were presented to Jehovah as Israel gathered in the Pentecostal harvest amidst great joy and rejoicing.  
The full significance of the Feast day can only be understood and appreciated by considering the details laid down in the relevant scriptures. We will consider the natural and then the spiritual; first the type then the real; first the shadow, then the substance; first the temporal, then the eternal.

A.    Names of the Feast
This particular Feast day is known by different names, each of which set forth some facet of truth, which will be evident as the study proceeds. It was called:
1.     The Feast of Harvest- Ex 23:16
2.     The Feast of Weeks- Ex 34:22; Duet 16:10, 16
3.     The Day of First Fruits- Num 28:26; Ex 34:22
4.     The Feast of Weeks of the First Fruits of the Wheat Harvest- Ex 34:22
5.     The Feast of Harvest. The First Fruits of Israel’s labors- Ex 23:16
6.     The Feast of Pentecost, in the New Testament. Pentecost being a transliteration of the Greek word for “Fifty”- Act 2:1; Act 20:16; 1Cor 16:8
  It will be seen by these various titles for the Feast that it actually involved a particular 24 hour day, as well as a period of time. Thus it is the day of Pentecost, as well as the Feast of Weeks!              

B.    Pentecost in the Third month- Acts 2:1; 20:16; Ex 19:1-2
The Greek name for the Feast day is known as “Pentecost,” simply meaning “fiftieth.” This word is not used in the Old Testament, but found in the New Testament three times. This feast took place on the fiftieth day after the waving of the sheaf of the first fruits (Lev 23:15-16). This brought Israel into the third month after the Exodus from Egypt’s bondage.
1.     The Old Testament Fiftieth Day
a.     Passover to Pentecost
From Passover to Pentecost we can trace the required 50 days. Passover took place on the 14th day of the first month (Ex 12:18; Num 28:16; Lev 23:4-5). Israel left Egypt on the 15th Day of Nisan the beginning of the Feast of Unleavened bread (Lev 23:6; Num 28:17-18; Ex 12:18).

            After the Exodus they crossed the Red Sea, following the cloudy pillar to Mt. Sinai coming to the mount apparently the first day of the third month ( Ex 16:1; Ex 19:1). Here at Mt. Sinai the Lord spoke to Moses to tell Israel to sanctify themselves against the third day. Then Moses went up again to the mount on this day and it was on this day that the Lord wrote the Ten Commandments on the tables of stone. In all we have 50 days which may be seen as follows:

            First month, Abib or Nisan- 15 days
            Second Month, Ziff or Ziv-   30 days
            Third month, Sivan-              4 days                
                                                            49 days or 7 weeks (7×7= 49)
Then we come to the next day which was the 50th day when the Lord wrote with his finger the Ten Commandments. Thus the Jews today look upon the Feast of Pentecost as the celebration or the commemoration of the giving of the Law, and the foundation of the nation of Israel.

b.     The Feast of Weeks- Lev 23:15-16
The “time element” is set forth more expressly in this passage. It links Passover and Pentecost together. Here the Lord commands Israel when they arrived in the land and had harvest time, to count from the day of the waving of the sheaf of the first fruit (barely) 49 days, or seven Sabbaths complete. Then they were to count the day following the 50th day, the morrow after the seventh Sabbath, and this was the day of Pentecost.    
            On this day they were to offer specified offerings. Thus we have a double witness concerning the Feast of the 50th day; that which was fulfilled historically from Passover to Pentecost, and then that which was to find fulfillment when they came into the land of promise.  

2.     The New Testament 50th Day- Act 1:3; 2:1
The Lord Jesus came to fulfill all the intricate details of the Law (Matt 5:17-18). The book of Acts shows the fulfillment if this time period of 50 days unto the feast day of Pentecost. After Jesus resurrection at the close of his 3 days and nights in the tomb, he was seen of his disciples for 40 days, speaking to them of the things concerning the kingdom of God. At the close of this period of 40 days Jesus ascended back to the Father. The disciples tarried in Jerusalem in the upper room for ten days and then “when the day of Pentecost was fully come” the Holy Ghost was outpoured on the believing and waiting disciples. Thus we have:

40 days post resurrection ministry of Jesus  
10 days tarrying disciples in Jerusalem
50 days to Pentecost.
As Israel experienced the giving of the Law at Mt. Sinai 50 days after leaving Egypt under Passover, so the disciples experienced the coming of the Holy Ghost and were the first fruits that received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost to write his laws 50 days after the completion of Passover by the resurrection of Christ. And again, as the Feast of Pentecost was celebrated 50 days after the waving of the sheaf of the first fruits, so the Holy Ghost was poured out on the 50th day after the resurrection of Jesus. Truly a remarkable fulfillment of the feast of the 50th day in the third month!

C.    Significance of the Number Fifty

The number 50 is used symbolically to represent liberty, freedom, and deliverance. This is seen in the fact that every 50th year (7×7= 49+1=50) in Israel was called the year of Jubilee. It was the year of release, or liberty and freedom. Slaves were set free, debts were cancelled, families were reunited, and liberty was proclaimed throughout the land by the sound of the Jubilee trumpets (Lev 25:8-17). Priests also served the Tabernacle of the Lord from 25 or 30 years until the age of 50 years, then they were at liberty to cease from such service ( Num 4:1-3; 8:23-26).
For the nation of Israel, the Feast of Pentecost on the 50th day after the deliverance from Egypt was a celebration of liberty from the house of bondage. They were free from slavery, now at liberty to serve the true God.
For those who experience salvation from the New Testament aspect, the Day of Pentecost meant liberty and freedom from the Old Covenant bondages of ceremonialism of the Law. It meant freedom in the liberty where with Christ had set them free. It meant they were at liberty to serve the Lord, not in the oldness of the letter but in the newness of the Spirit (Rom 7:1-6). Liberty however, does not mean license (Gal 5:1; Rom 6:16-18).  
Other uses of the number 50 may be seen in Gen 6:15; 1 Ki 18:4, 13; 2Ki 2:7; Lev 27:1-5; Mk 6:40; Luke 9:14.         

D.    The Morrow after the Sabbath- Lev 23:15-16
Here again this Feast, as the Day of the Sheaf of the first fruits was celebrated on the “morrow after the Sabbath,” but on this occasion, after the seventh Sabbath. The same truth is applicable here as noted under the sheaf of the first fruits the Day of Pentecost took place, not on a weekly Sabbath, but on the First day of the new week. 
It is important to notice that two of the feast days by-passed the weekly Sabbath of the Old Testament and took place on the first day of the week. Thus even under the Law Covenant they shadowed forth the two foundational events of the New Testament order.
1.     The Sheaf of the First Fruits was waved on “the morrow after the Sabbath” which was the first day of the week. In the New Testament fulfillment we see the fact that the Son of God rose from the dead on the “morrow after the Sabbath” on the first day of the week.
2.     The Day of Pentecost took place on the “morrow after the Sabbath” on the first day of the new week. The New Testament fulfills the fact that the Holy Ghost descended from heaven on this day to fill the believers with himself.

Thus two persons in the Godhead, the Son of God and the Holy Ghost-by passed the Sabbath, and acted on the first day of the week. The two foundational events of the church, the resurrection of Christ and the Outpouring of the Holy Ghost both took place on the first day of the week.
The fact that these two Feast days were kept on the morrow after the Sabbath actually prophesied an end of Sabbath keeping as of the Mosaic Law. It is a fulfillment of the prophetic word through Hosea that “I will also cause all her mirth to cease, her feast days, her new moons, and her Sabbaths, and all her solemn feasts” (Hosea 2:11). Paul shows how all these things were typical and were caused to cease with the coming of Christ, and would have spiritual fulfillment in the church (Gal 4:10; Rom 14:4-7; Col 2:16-17).
True Sabbath rest is in Christ finished work and in the Spirit of God (Matt 11:28-30; Act 20:7; 1Cor 16:1-2; Heb 4:1-11)
The Sabbath was a sign and seal of the Old Covenant. The New Testament seal is The Spirit of God. One was a day of rest; the other was is the Spirit of rest. To return to Sabbath keeping is to confuse the Old with the New. Once the Christian knows what covenant he is under then all confusion ceases as to the keeping of days. 
E.    What Happened At Sinai?
Although the Feast day took place on the 50th day, there were other important things which transpired on and after this day. Both the Old and the New Pentecost’s can be beautifully compared and contrasted as to these events.
1. Supernatural Manifestations

As Moses entered the mount of God, supernatural manifestations took place. The Presence of God was evidenced by the sound of a trumpet, by thunders, lightening, thick clouds, fire and a voice. The result was trembling, fear and quaking by Moses as well as the rest of Israel (Ex 19:16-19; Duet 4:32-40; Heb 12:18-21). Elijah experienced similar manifestations at Mt. Horeb when he saw and heard the earth quake, the wind, and the fire, and then a still small voice ( 1 Ki 19:8-14).
On the Day of Pentecost, after Jesus the Mediator of the New Testament had entered the heavenly Mt. of God – Mt Zion ( Heb 12:22-29; Rev 14:1-4), there were great manifestations of his presence in the upper room. The Holy Ghost descended like a mighty rushing wind, the place was filled with his presence, tongues of fire sat on the disciples heads and they all spake with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance (Act 2:1-4; 4:31). When this was noised aboard thousands of Jews out of every nation gathered to hear the Word of God. Thus the wind and the fire and the sound from heaven, and then the speaking in other tongues were manifestations of God’s presence. Fear and wonder fell on the hearers as the Gospel was preached.
At Sinai we have Moses, fire, darkness, a trumpet, quaking, thunder lightning, this was Old Testament Pentecost. At Jerusalem ( or Mt. Zion the church) we have Jesus, tongues of fire, rushing mighty wind, shaking, and conviction, this is New Testament Pentecost.
Something else to notice in (Ex 19:17) Moses brings the people to the nether part of the mount, this is a picture of God bringing them under covenant. In Jewish weddings they have a Banner stretched over them which represents coming under government, Song 2:4 illustrates this idea well, but it was at the Mountain of God that they became the nation of Israel and the Church in the wilderness began.   
                     2. The Giving of the Law Covenant- Ex 19:16-20; Duet 4-5; Ex 31-34

The Jews refer to this day as “The Feast of the Giving of the Law” or the Birthday of Judaism. On the 50th day it seems that God wrote with his finger the Ten Commandments on the two tables of stone. Relative to the giving of the Old Covenant commandments, and the people breaking the same by idolatry, 3000 people were slain. When the tables were renewed, the face of Moses shone with the glory of God.
There are great similarities to this in the New Testament Pentecost as well as differences. This is why many people base their belief that the church started on the day of Pentecost. But we must remember that the Old does not explain the New, but rather the New must interpret the Old. The New is the real image and the Old is the shadow of the substance.
In the Old the church was organized on a mountain with their mediator Moses, this is what Christ would do as well and he took them to a mountain and organized the church. He also shined with the glory of God when he was transfigured as well. We must remember that the church was prophesied to be organized on a mountain and not in the upper room. The New Testament Pentecost was not the organizing of the church but rather the empowerment of it to witness (Ps 72:16; Isa 2:2; Micah 4:1; Luke 6:12-13; Mk 3:13).
 The New Testament would be written by the Spirit (the finger of God Luke 11:20), on fleshy tables of the heart and mind (Jer 31:31-34; Heb 8). At Pentecost after Peter preached, 3000 people were saved unto life by the ministration of the Spirit (2 Cor 3:3, 6).
Paul tells us that the glory of God in the face of Jesus is a greater glory than that on the face of Moses. Jesus is the New Testament Mediator. The Glory of the Old Covenant is done away, while the glory of the new covenant remains. Paul deals with this comparison and contrast relative to the Feast of Pentecost and the Law 2 Corinthians chapter 3. The chart below shows this more clearly:

Old Testament Pentecost                                      New Testament Pentecost

50th Day                                                             50th Day
Writing of the 10 commandments                     Writing of Commandments of love on
on stone tablets                                                  tables of the heart (Matt 22:34-40)

By the finger of God                                          By the Spirit of God (Luke 11:20)
3000 slain by the ministration of death              3000 saved by ministry of life Ac 2:41
The Letter                                                           The Spirit
Glory in the face of Moses                                 Glory in the face of Jesus
Face veiled so people could                               Unveiled face so we can be changed
not behold the glory                                            into the same glory
Glory to be done away                                        Glory to remain
Mt. Sinai                                                               Mt. Zion  

3.     The Book of the Covenant- Ex 24; Heb 8-9
Relative to the Feast of Pentecost was the giving of the book of the covenant. The Book of the covenant contained other civil and ceremonial laws besides the Ten commandments. This Book was blood-sprinkled, even as the people. Under Passover the blood was sprinkled on the door. Under Pentecost the blood was sprinkled on the people and on the Book (Read Ex 24:8).  
            The Book of the Covenant was kept in the side the Ark of the Covenant (Duet 31:9-15, 24-26). It was the responsibility of the priests and the Levites to teach the 12 tribes the laws of the Lord, as the church in the wilderness, or the Old covenant church (Act 7:38).
            The New Testament fulfillment is in the writing of the books, subsequent to the outpouring of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost. The New Testament books are also blood sprinkled, with people who also have been blood sprinkled, for it is the Spirit that applies the blood of Jesus. It is also the responsibility of the ministry of the church to teach the people the New Covenant commandments of our Lord Jesus (Heb 9:11-22; Eph 4:9-16).
4.     The Revelation of the Tabernacle Order- Ex 25-40
After the Feast of Pentecost, God revealed to Moses the Tabernacle and the complete approach and worship therein. Here at Sinai God established his church (Act 7:38), the Aaronic priesthood, the sacrificial system, the Tabernacle, the Sabbath days and the Festival occasions. Here Israel was taught how all must approach God to sacrifice and worship as a redeemed and holy people. The details are enumerated for us in these chapters listed above. Also in Leviticus 1-27, as well as certain chapters in the book of Numbers. 
            The New Testament fulfillment is that they had to come to the mountain of God to learn of his ways and for him to teach them of his paths. So we too after we are redeemed must go the mountain of God to learn how we are to live and approach God. It is at the church that we will learn all of God’s ways (Isa 2:3, Micah 4:2-3). We learn of the priesthood of believers, the spiritual sacrifices offered in a spiritual house, and the spiritual experiences of the Feasts of Jehovah. The church is a redeemed and holy nation, and approaches God through the perfections found in Jesus Christ our High Priest.

F.     The Two Leavened Wave Loaves- Lev 23:15-21 Num 28:26-31
The most peculiar ceremony took place on the Day of Pentecost was the presentation before the Lord of two leavened cakes to be waved before the Lord as the First Fruits of the Wheat harvest. It was a ceremony not fully understood by the Hebrews but can be discerned by the Holy Ghost through Jesus Christ.
1.      A “New Meal” Offering Baken with Leaven
First, we must remember that Pentecost was not only a celebration of the giving of the law, but also of God blessing upon their crops which was now the wheat harvest. They were to bring the first ripe wheat to the high priest to sanctify the rest of the harvest.
            The Lord commanded Israel to bring on the Day of Pentecost a “New Meat Offering (meal)” unto the Lord. They were to bring it out of their dwellings. It was to be two wave loaves of two-tenth deals of fine flour. The wheat offering was the common bread that was eaten through the entire year except at the Feast of Unleavened Bread. They were to be baked with leaven. 
            In the Feast of Passover, leaven was absolutely forbidden on pain of death (Ex 12:15, 19, 20, 31-34; 13:3-10).
In the regular daily meat offering no leaven or honey was permitted. Nothing leavened could be offered with blood sacrifices on the altar of the Lord (Lev 2). We have seen that leaven was used as a symbol of evil, or that which is false, corrupting in its influence, and pointed to the fact that Jesus Christ was perfect and sinless as Unleavened Bread, and our Meal offering.
            But we must remember that God sometimes uses the same object for more than figure. Let us illustrate, honey in the bible represents carnal pleasure and leavening influences, and was never to be used in the sacrificial offerings with blood, but in the Psalms the Word of God is compared to “Honey.” This is why we must always rely upon the Holy Ghost to discern the object that God brings forward for examination.
            Here the Lord commands them to bring the very opposite, saying that Israel should make a “New Meat Offering” of fine flour and bake it with leaven. Why? You may ask, the key to understanding this mystery is the word “New.” New implies something, which you are moving from something old to something entirely different. God implies that he would do something new, that was never done before. In Hebrews, Paul explains in chapter ten what the Old Testament could not do was bring perfection, for it only foreshadowed what was to come in the “New.” Paul tells us that we can enter in to God’s presence by a “New and living” (leavening force) way.  He tells us that God would put his laws into out hearts and minds, when we ask Jesus into our heart God puts his laws into us by his finger or by the Holy Ghost application.
            Jesus explained this New and living way, not only would the ministry have the Holy Ghost but that all men could have this experience. In Luke 13:20-21 Jesus said “And again he said, Whereunto shall I liken the kingdom of God? [21] It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.” Jesus said that the Holy Ghost would be not old leaven but New Leaven that would change our natures and our minds and hearts by his power and love. This New Leaven would bring about wholeness to the Christian. The Spirit of God comes to comfort and illuminate, and to guide the Christian into all of God’s ways and truth (Jn 16:13-15).
            The prophet Ezekiel explained this when he said “And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you (salvation); and I will take the stony heart (sanctification) out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh: [20] That they may walk in my statutes, and keep mine ordinances, and do them: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God (Ezekiel 11:19-20). He went on a little later in the book and said “ Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. [26] A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you (salvation): and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh (sanctification), and I will give you an heart of flesh. [27] And I will put my spirit within you (baptism of the Holy Ghost), and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them. [28] And ye shall dwell in the land (abiding in covenant) that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God. [29] I will also save you from all your uncleannesses: and I will call for the corn, and will increase it, and lay no famine upon you. [30] And I will multiply the fruit of the tree, and the increase of the field, that ye shall receive no more reproach of famine among the heathen. [31] Then shall ye remember your own evil ways, and your doings that were not good, and shall lothe yourselves in your own sight for your iniquities and for your abominations. [32] Not for your sakes do I this, saith the Lord God, be it known unto you: be ashamed and confounded for your own ways, O house of Israel.
So it can be interpreted the Leaven represents the Spirit of God that would change the common bread to bring growth and completeness to it. Praise the Lord for his unsearchable depths!!!!

2.     “Two Wave Loaves”
There were two wave loaves offered to Jehovah on this feast day of Pentecost. It was a dual offering, both loaves having the same measure before the Lord. The truth of the dual offerings may be seen through the whole of the Levitical system and the sending of the church by Jesus in the New Testament.
a.     Two loaves were offered on the Day of Pentecost (Lev 23:17-21)
b.     Two pigeons or doves were used in sacrifice and cleansing of the leper ( Lev 14:1-7 and Gen 15:9)
c.     Two trumpets of silver were used in the various callings of the camp of Israel and more especially in the Feast of Trumpets (Num 10:1-10; 29:1)
d.     Two tables of stone had the Ten Commandments written by the Finger of God (Spirit)(Ex 20:1-17; 31:18).
e.     Two goats were used in the Great Day of Atonement ceremonies (Lev 16).

When you notice the number two in the scripture you see there is agreement, thus two is therefore the number of witness and testimony. Jesus sent out the 12 Apostles and the other seventy “two by two” to witness and testify in every city wither he would come (Luke 9:1-6; 10:1-2). Also we had the two witnesses in the temple when Christ was born Simeon and Anna, and there will be two witnesses at the end of world again to testify of his return.
            The Lord also stated in the mouth of two or three witnesses must every word be established (Duet 19:15; Matt 18:16-20). Also it is worth mentioning that for a scripture to be considered rightly divided you need at least two scriptures or two witnesses to verify the truth. In a court of law the justice will look to have more than one Testimony to verify the truth to be sure that it is a sound witness, and not false witness. This truth is established in the Old Testament “Whoso killeth any person, the murderer shall be put to death by the mouth of witnesses: but one witness shall not testify against any person to cause him to die”(Num 35:30; Duet 17:6; Duet 19:15; 2 Cor 13:1) .
            Thus the wave loaves speak of witness and testimony. They can also be used to symbolize the two ethnic divisions on which the Holy Ghost was poured out on and after Pentecost to bring man back into perfect fellowship with God and with one another, both Jew and Gentile testifying to the unregenerate world of the power of the Gospel of Christ and the work of the Holy Ghost to deliver man from sin and it’s slavery, the power of the blood to sanctify (set apart, dedicate, consecrate) the Christian that (he or she) may live a life of holiness and wholeness all the days of their lives, and the Baptism of the Holy Ghost to bring the believer into the fullness of Christ and back to perfection (Eph 2:11-20; Act 2; Act 10). 
            They may also be used to symbolize Christ and the church of God (the bride), who together declare the same testimony. Although two, they are yet one witness. God speaks to the world by the testimony of Jesus Christ and his church ( Heb 2:11; Eph 5:31).

3.  “Two Tenth Deals of Fine Flour” – Lev 23:17
Both wave loaves were to be one and the same measure of fine flour, that is, two tenths deal.
 The measure of two tenths is found in Israel on several occasions, showing that the Lord had some significant truth in mind when he commanded the measure.
a.     The Manna which fell in the wilderness had two tenth deals in it, for on the sixth day Israel was to gather twice as much to carry them over the Sabbath ( Ex 16:22, 36). The two tenths here speak of a double portion.
b.     The Meat (meal) offering presented on the Feast Day of the Sheaf of the First Fruits was also to be made of two-tenth deals of fine flour (Lev 23:13).
c.     The twelve loaves of Shewbread on the golden table were also made of two tenths deal of fine flour (Lev 24:5-7). Thus again we have the double portion of life and health in “the Bread of his presence” as the Shewbread literally means.
d.     The Two wave loaves offered at Pentecost were also made of two tenth deal of fine flour (Lev 23:17).
e.     In the two tables of stone on which the Ten commandments were written we also have the thought of two-tenth, for the Ten Commandments find their fulfillment in the two commandments of Jesus, as given in the New Testament (Matt 22:34-30).
Each deal or tenth was about 4 pounds of flour. So they weighed about eight pounds total together. The two tenths deals of fine flour find their fulfillment in the double portion of the Spirit upon both Jew and Gentile, who are of the same body.
The first born son in a family would receive from his Father as an inheritance a double portion (Duet 21:17). Jesus was the first born son, and he received a double portion being the firstborn, and we are partakers of that same anointing as the First born son. Remember two that this was Day was the First Fruits of the Wheat harvest.
As a New Meal offering, the Jew and Gentile came together in the New Covenant, receive a new name, and speak with new tongues, and finally will be brought to a new heaven and a new earth and the New Jerusalem. God makes all things new ( 2 Cor 5:17-18; Rev 21: 1-8; Mark 16:15-20; Matt 26:26-28).
Note: “Elisha asks Elijah for a double portion” Think on these things….
            4.  “Of Fine Flour”- Lev 23:17
            The two wave loaves were to be made of “fine flour.” Fine flour originates in whole wheat. This wheat must be taken and put through a grinding and crushing process to become fine flour. Only then can it become suitable to eat and become bread.
            Fine flour speaks of trials, testing, temptations, and the sufferings of the believer, as the corn of wheat, in order to become the bread of God, even as for Jesus (Jn 12:24; Is 28:28; 52:14; 53:1-6; Psa 147:14; Jn 6:51-56).   

      The Wheat first must be harvested or cut down, then the chaff or outside shell must be removed by the crushing and grinding process to become fine flour. First Israel would take the wheat down to the oxen and they would walk over it to break away the chaff from the grains of wheat. Micah said it this way  “But they know not the thoughts of the Lord, neither understand they his counsel: for he shall gather them as the sheaves into the floor. [13] Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion: for I will make thine horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass: and thou shalt beat in pieces many people: and I will consecrate their gain unto the Lord, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth. (Micah 4:12-13)”: then they would thresh the wheat by the wind and the fan or winnowing fork and this blew the chaff away and the heavier or weightier grain would fall back on the threshing floor, Paul describes this process when he said “ That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.” Jeremiah  also describes this prophetically  when he said   “ And the prophets shall become wind, and the word is not in them: thus shall it be done unto them.” Thus we see that the winds can be figurative of false teaching. Also if you remember when the wind and waves rose up on the Sea of Galilee Jesus rebuked the winds, which can represent Satan trying to use trials and storms of life to remove the child of God from their faith in Christ. The wind can also represent the Holy Ghost, remember when he came as a rushing mighty wind, which when he blows or moves removes carnal thinking and reasoning from the midst of his people. After the chaff is removed through these processes, then the wheat must be pressed more and sifted to remove all impurities, so that it can move into its last stage of preparation, which we will discuss later. Remembering what Jesus said to Peter in the gospels “ And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat:” (Luke 22:31), each Christian will go through a time of sifting or sever testing to remove their impurities, not to remove them (Heb 12:26-29).   
Thus, Jews and Gentiles alike become one bread through a crushing process in order to “become one.” Paul spoke about the church as being one bread (1 Cor 10:16-17). The two wave loaves being made fine flour then speak of the oneness of Jews and Gentiles blended together by the unifying power of the Holy Ghost through the operation of the New Testament covenant, the blood of Christ, and the church covenant.
5.     Baken with Leaven- Lev 23:17

No one can eat fine flour by itself. In order to make fine flour into bread and make it palatable, it must be baked. The fire and the baking process intensify the unity of the loose fine flour. So the fire of the Holy Ghost (Heb 12:29; Matt 3:11-12) intensifies the unity of the believers as the bread of God,  and make it suitable to be offered to the High Priest for a wave offering (Heb 9:14). This also speaks of the fiery trails of faith for all saints to bind them together into one loaf, whether Jew or Gentile (Job 23:10; 1 Pet 1:6-7; Pro 17:3). The prophets spoke about this in the following:
“When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning”(Is 4:4). 
“But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap: [3] And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness” (Malachi 3:2-3).
“And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God”( Zech. 13:9).

6.     The First Fruits of The Lord- Lev 23:17
            The truth of the first fruits has already been considered under the Sheaf of the First Fruit. There it was seen that the first fruits spoke of the choicest, the first, or the best. They were particularly the Lord’s and presented to him. The first fruit was what sanctified the rest of the harvest and also was sanctified to the Lord for his service. This is true whether it speaks of the Lord or the church. Read Ex 23:16, 19; 34:22, 26; Lev 2:12-14; Num 18:12; 28:26; Duet 26:10; 2King 4:42; Neh 10:35-37; 12:44; Pro 3:9.
The New Testament writers particularly see the early converts, both Jew and Gentile as “a kind of first fruit” unto Jehovah (Jam 1:18; 1 Cor 15:20, 23; 16:15; Rev 14:4). They also realized they had but received the “first fruits” of the Holy Ghost operations (Rom 8:23; Eph 1:13-14). The First Fruits speak of more to come. They were the first to receive the Holy Ghost and to do the works of God, but there were more to follow, a great harvest yet to be reaped and brought in. Thus the two wave loaves presented to the Lord were but the first fruits of a great harvest of wheat and bread yet to be harvested, so the early church converts, Jew and Gentile, were but the first fruits of a great harvest to be reaped during the entire grace dispensation.    


7.     A Wave Offering- Lev 23:17, 20
The word in Hebrew meaning “to wave” (Strong’s: 8573; 5130) has also the thought of “to quiver, i.e. to vibrate up and down, or to rock to and fro, a brandishing and specially the official undulation of sacrificial offerings. It is translated “offering, shaking, wave offering.
            On the Day of Pentecost the 120 disciples were filled with the Holy Ghost and became God’s wave offering for the men thought they were drunk by the way they acted and spoke.

8.     Holy to the Lord for the Priest- Lev 23:20
The two wave loaves were given to the high priest and were holy unto God. God has sanctified us unto himself and given us to Christ as an offering. The Lord has made the church holy, through sanctification, and separated us from the earth by a sharp threshing instrument {The Word of God} (Jn 17:15-17 Eph 1:4; 5:27).

9.     A Statue For Ever- Lev 23:21

The keeping of the Feast Day of Pentecost was a law that was to be kept in all generations. This finds its fulfillment in the fact that the Holy Ghost has come to dwell with the believer forever (Jn 14:16-17). Christians are to have a continual “Pentecostal Feast”.

G.    The Feast of Harvest of First Fruits- Ex 23:16; 34:22; Duet 16:10; Num 28:26
.  As seen earlier this Feast day was called the “Feast of Weeks”, or the “Feast of Harvest” or the “Feasts of the First Fruits.” Thus this Feast not only involved a special and literal 24 hour day, it also involved a period of time. There are several other things of significance involved in this Feast besides the special set day of ceremonies.
          1. The Early Rains- Duet 11:10-15; Lev 26:4; Duet 28:12; Joel 2:23; Zech 10:1 

    There can be no harvest without the rains to cause it to grow and mature. The Lord promised Israel that he would bless their land, that he would give them the “first and latter rain” in order that they would be able to gather in the corn (barley, wheat) which represents salvation, wine ( joy or sanctification ) and oil (the Baptism of the Holy Ghost) in their appointed seasons. Thus under Passover and Pentecost, there was the “latter or spring rain,” according to the reckoning of the sacred year of Israel.
Rain in the Bible is symbolic of revival and refreshing. Spiritually speaking it pointed to the outpouring of the Holy Ghost as the “early and latter rain.” The Lord promised that he would come to his people as the rain (Hosea 6:1-3).
The Jews have always understood that the outpouring of rain or water was symbolic and prophetical of the coming outpouring of the Spirit of God on their own nation as well as other nations. The outpouring of the Holy Ghost on the Day of Pentecost and onward was indeed “the first rain” or “the spring rain.” The Prophet Joel, who prophesied of Pentecost, alluded to it in Joel 2:21-32, where he links the outpouring of early and latter rain with his prophecy.
2. Harvest Time – Duet 16:10; Ex 23:16; 34:22
            With the rain comes harvest time. The rains were necessary for both sowing and reaping or harvesting periods. As in any agricultural year two harvests take place, so it is in the land of Canaan. There are two periods of harvest; corn (barley, wheat) and fruit harvest. Thus:
a.     Passover and Pentecost: Corn Harvest
b.     Tabernacles:- Fruit harvest
  Passover was the barley harvest and Pentecost was the wheat harvest (Ruth 1:22; 2:23; Ex 34:21-22; Jud 6:11; 1 Sam 6:13; 2 Sam 21:9-10).
            The First harvest of the year, in the beginning of Israel’s sacred year was corn harvest, which came as a result of the early or the spring rains. However, the corn harvest pointed to the fruit harvest, the harvest at the end of the year (Lev 23:33-44; Duet 16:6-17; Ex 23:16; 34:22; Num 29:12-40).
            The Final harvest will be considered under the Feast of Tabernacles. Sufficient for the present is to see that the reason why this feast is called the Feast of Weeks or the Feast of Harvest of the First Fruits is because the corn was brought in during this time, in these weeks. The Day of Pentecost was actually a “Harvest Festival” or “Thanksgiving Day.”
            The fulfillment of this is even in the Book of Acts. Under the early outpouring of the Holy Ghost as rain there were 3000 souls, then 5000 souls, and then a multitude of men and women who came in during the harvest period (Acts 4:4; 5:14; 2:41-42). Later on, as the rain of the Holy Ghost continued to be poured out there was a great Harvest of Gentiles converts reaped. It was a fulfillment of the great harvest which Jesus saw (Matt 9:37-38; Jn 4:34-38).
            It has been suggested by certain Bible commentaries that the barely represents the Jewish converts because the barely comes first, and then the Gentiles represent the wheat harvest. The Gospel was to be preached to the Jew first then to the Gentile. Together they represent the corn harvest of the early church ingathering.  

3.     The Harvest of First Fruits- Ex 23:16; 34:22; Num 28:26

Sufficient has been already stated, however it needs to be understood that the Feast of Weeks was but a first fruits harvest. The First Fruits always pointed to more to come. So we can say the harvest of Passover and Pentecost pointed to the Feast of Tabernacles. This harvest was to come the end of the year!!!
It speaks prophetically of the harvest in the end of the world (Matt 13:30, 39; Mk 4:29; Rev 14:15). This harvest will also require a final outpouring of the Holy Ghost as rain according to the James the first General Overseer of the church (James 5:7). 
4.     Harvest of Freewill Offering- Duet 16:9-12; 16-17; 28:47

With the first fruits God commanded Israel to bring with them free will offerings unto him, according to the blessing of the Lord upon them. They were to rejoice before the Lord for his goodness to them. The free will offerings were to be given to their sons and daughters, their servants, and the strangers, the fatherless, and the widows and the Levites (Duet 12:4-12). The New Testament shows the same spirit of joy and giving upon the early church, as distribution was made to the needy saints ( Acts 4:32-34; 6:1; 13:52; 1Cor 16:1-2; 2 Cor 8-9).
            Each member of the church and of the kingdom must experience this glorious Feast of Pentecost, even as Passover. Passover is but the beginning, introducing one to the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. The believer must continue on in the Feasts of the Lord and enter into Pentecost. Pentecost brings one into the blessed ministry of the Holy Ghost and gives them power for service within the church and in the world. However, the feast is not ultimate, there is yet one more major feast which the Christian must celebrate. This is the Feast of Tabernacles.
            Ever time a sinner receives Christ as his Savior; he experiences Passover (Salvation), then the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Sanctification). It is not that historical Passover repeated again but the historical fact and truth becomes experiential truth. The same is true of Pentecost. Pentecost is a historical fact and truth, never to be repeated as such again, however every time a Christian receives the Baptism of the Holy Ghost there is an experiential Pentecost. It is this balance between historical and experiential truth that needs to be kept in mind in the studying of the Feasts, and especially so as we move on to that final feast, The Feast of Tabernacles.   


If you have never accepted or if you have fallen away from Jesus Christ here are three steps you need to take to be saved:

Image result for abc's of salvation

You must admit you are a sinner, confess your sin to Jesus, repent (turn from all you know is wrong), ask Jesus to come in your heart, and begin to follow Jesus by reading and obeying his word and go to a bible believing church that teaches his word. And tell someone what Christ Jesus Has Done For You (Rev 12:10)  
May God through Christ bless you!

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