Sunday, August 30, 2020

Don't Lose Your Mind! Change is only good If you know where you are going!

Remove not the ancient Iandmark which thy fathers have set' Proverbs 22:28  - 'Remove not the ancient landmark which thy fathers have set' Proverbs  22:28 - iFunny :)

Safety is the main responsibility of any government or level of government. Horns are a symbol of authority or government in the Bible, those horns are used to protect the body. If those horns do not protect the body they were intended to, the body will become a corpse. The problem is we are seeing the death of America by socialist ideology. What is most remarkable is that a little history lesson from China, Russia-USSR, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, South American counties such as Venezuela, and Germany before World War 2 currently taught objectively and holistically would scare most of these people who are rioting to stop this insanity. The very things being tore down have been instituted for peoples protection and prosperity! The Bible warns about the destruction and removal of the ancient landmarks, (borders, monuments, holidays, etc). Evolution and change is only good when you know the direction you are going, and by understanding where you came from.

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