Sunday, September 20, 2020

Freedom of Speech- 1st Amendment Choice

 Freedom of Speech

1st Amendment

This morning as I opened up my browser on, I saw that some young singer name Selena G had been calling for censorship by facebook and other platforms. Being a student of history and a teacher as well, I must remind this generation that what they call for of others can be applied to them as well. I in no way believe in hate speech, or like misinformation, but I in no way want them censored. 

WHY? First, I have the right to turn them off, choose a different opinion, select a better way. If I censor them I fall in the same totalitarianism as Adolf Hitler. Hitler, did not allow differences of opinion, or freedom of speech. As a matter of fact the only speech he allowed is what he agreed with, only one type of movies, speeches, and music, as approved by the dictator. Hey, if you want that move to North Korea. So Selena, if you are not careful someone may not agree with you messages or your type of music and consider your music offensive, misinformation, or evil and want to censor you! You sure would not want to be cancelled would you, that would be WRONG, right? But I guess some people's rights are more important than others in that type of government, but that should never be advocated for in the United States of America, that would be the reverse of progress and the abrogation of all people's rights in the USA.   

Adolf Hitler forbid anyone to listen to any other type of music, then the type he approved. Be careful what you ask for, because you might get exactly what you wanted for others applied to you!  

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