Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Feast of Passover: Part 2 Continued...

Image result for passover lamb

c.    A Lamb of The First Year – Ex 12:5; 11:4-7; 12:29-30

This signified it was a firstborn lamb. The firstborn were especially to be set aside and given to God. The Lord gave specific instructions concerning the firstborn of man and beast (Ex 13:11-13). The theme of the firstborn runs through the whole of scripture. Cain is set aside for Abel. Ishmael is set aside for Isaac; Esau is set aside for Jacob, and here Israel for Egypt. God said Israel was his firstborn (Ex 4:22-23).
This setting aside of the firstborn after the flesh (after that which is natural,) and the bringing in of God’s firstborn (after that which is spiritual), points to the distinctions in the first or natural birth, and the second or spiritual birth. The first birth represents the sinful nature or us as sinners, the second birth constitutes us as saints.
The setting aside pointed back to the fact that it was first Adam who brought in sin and death, placing mankind in the house of bondage to Satan. It also pointed forward to the fact that Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God would be the firstborn Son. Jesus was the firstborn of Mary, the Firstborn of God’s New creation (Matt 1:21-25; Rev 3:14; Col 1:15, 18; Rom 8: 29).
d.    A Male-Ex  12:5
The lamb must be a male; not as in other sacrifices, a female. The scriptures declare “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” (Rom 5:12). Adam, as the first male, sinned, and so a male must die for sin. Adam, as the male was the seed bearer of the whole unborn human race. In him is constituted Federal Headship. When he sinned and fell, all the race, as yet in his loins sinned and fell. We did what Adam did, for we were “in Adam”(1 Cor. 15:22; Rom 5:12-21).
e.    Without Spot or Blemish- Ex 12:5

           The Jews were to inspect the lamb for their sacrifice, and make sure that it came up to God’s standard. It had to be perfect without blemish or spot. (1 Pet 1:18). In wonderful fulfillment we see how all who inspected Jesus –God’s Lamb- found him to be perfect, without fault, without spot or blemish. Read Carefully: 1). Pilate -Jn 18:28, 38; 19:4-6; Matt 27: 1-25; 2). Herod- Luke 23:8-12; 3). Annas- Luke Jn 18:13, 24; 4). Caiaphas -Jn 18:13-14, 19-24,28; 5). Judas- Matt 27:54; 6). The Centurion- Matt 27:54; 7). The repentant Thief- Luke 23:39-43.
All had to confess there was no fault, spot or blemish in him. Before these men Jesus was the lamb slaughtered  before his shearers. Read also (Isa 53; Acts 8:32-33; Psa 38:11-15; 39:1-2).
f.    A Lamb for an House – Ex 12:3-5

God’s desire was that all come to experience “household salvation.” It was “a Lamb for a house”. Those who know the saving benefits of the Passover lamb could do so by being in and of the household of  faith. God desires to save not just us but our households.
1.     A lamb for an house- Ex 12:3-4
2.     A lamb for a nation- Ex 29:38-42
3.     A Lamb for the World- Jn 1:29,36 Rev 5:12
Isaac asked his Father “where is the lamb?,” and John answers the question saying “behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world” (Gen 22:8; Jn 1:29).
g.    Kill it in the Evening- Ex 12:6 (Between the two Evenings)

The lamb was to be killed in the evening of the fourteenth day. The death of the lamb is what brought about deliverance. None of the other plagues which God brought upon Egypt caused Pharaoh (type of Satan) to let the people go. It was only after the blood of the lamb was applied that Pharaoh had to let the people go. The perfect, sinless  Lamb of God –Jesus- became the substitute and his death is that which brings our salvation.
Jesus was killed “between the two evenings” in the week of his crucifixion. He was slain on the fourteenth day at evening. The hours of his crucifixion from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.. Prophetically dying at the same time the lambs for Passover were slain 3 pm. We must remember that the Jews start their day at 6 pm (the evening and the morning), so Jesus died on Passover at 3 pm, and the Feast of Unleavened bread began at 6 pm. This is why hypocritically Caiaphas and the priests would not come under Pilate roof lest they be defiled and not be able to celebrate Passover.  The High Priest would cut the throat of the lamb and would pronounce “it is finished ”at the Passover celebration of the Temple.  Just a note The daily morning and evening offerings were not to be omitted either during the festivals, the morning offering convened at 9 am and the evening sacrifice was also at 3 pm, the same time upon which our Lord was put upon his altar, and the same time in which he gave up the ghost ( Mark 15:33-34).
The Jews broke up their day by third hour -9 am, sixth hour – 12 p.m., Ninth hour being 3 pm. Amazing Jesus left nothing undone of work he was sent here to do. Praise God!!!!
If you have never accepted or if you have fallen away from Jesus Christ here are three steps you need to take to be saved:

Image result for abc's of salvation

You must admit you are a sinner, confess your sin to Jesus, repent (turn from all you know is wrong), ask Jesus to come in your heart, and begin to follow Jesus by reading and obeying his word and go to a bible believing church that teaches his word. And tell someone what Christ Jesus Has Done For You (Rev 12:10)  
May God through Christ bless you!

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