Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Feast of Passover: Part 3 Continued...

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The Passover Continued: Part 3

h.    The Whole Assembly shall kill it – Ex 12:6
The whole congregation of Israel was involved in the death of the Passover Lamb. The gospels show how the Sanhedrin, the Priests, and the people of Israel all cried for the crucifixion of Jesus and for his blood to be shed (Jn 19:15; Lk 23:23; Etc.).
i.    The Blood must be Applied to the Lintel and Door Posts- Ex 12:7, 13, 22
The blood was the evidence that death had taken place. Then the blood had to be sprinkled on the lintel and the two side posts of the door.
1.     The blood must be shed. This was evidence of death.
2.     The blood must be sprinkled. This was the evidence of application- without personal application it will not save personally. -faith is what applies the blood. We must have personal faith in his blood.
3.     The blood must be applied to all three places, Body, Soul, and Spirit. Lintel, Two side posts. (1 Thess 5:23)
4.     The blood was the token on the door of the house in order for deliverance to be effective. The absence of the blood brought judgment from the death angel.
5.     The blood must be applied with hyssop. Hyssop comes from a lowly shrub, It speaks to us of humility and lowliness of faith, which applies the blood of Jesus (Eph 2:8; Heb 11:28).
6.     The blood must be applied in faith and obedience to the word of the Lord through the gospel given to Moses.
In fulfillment, we see that when Jesus died on the cross, he was both the Lamb and the blood sprinkled door. In his death he is the Lamb, but in the resurrection he is the door- the only entrance of the household of God (Jn 10:9). The blood must be lifted up, it is in faith that the sinner accepts the sprinkled blood of Jesus as a token of his deliverance. The blood was not to be applied at the foot of the door lest the blood be trampled underfoot ( Col 1:13-14; Heb 10:29).    
j.    The Body of the Lamb Must Be Eaten- Ex 12:8-10
The Lord God was particular about the body of the lamb, even as the blood. Both the body and the blood pointed to Jesus, the Lamb of God (Matt 26:26-28).
1.     It was to be eaten the same night
2.     It was to be eaten with unleavened bread. No sin was in Jesus.
3.     It was to be eaten with bitter herbs. Calvary was a bitter experience, but also Israel was to eat the bitter herbs (horseradish), -representing the bitterness of the bondage of slavery in Egypt. Representing the bitterness of sin and being captive to SatanDo you remember your slavery?
4.     It was not to be eaten raw. It had to be roasted in the fire, so Jesus experienced the sufferings of the fire of God’s holiness at Calvary; Hell-fire is created for sinfulness, God Hates sin, it is not his perfect life that saves us, but his sacrificial death which saves us (Hebrews 9:22).
5.     It is not to be sodden with water. So the gospel is not to be “watered down.” Water Sodden meat can-not be roasted!
6.     Anything left over was to be burnt after the feast. No Egyptian must touch the body of the Lamb.       
The fulfillment is seen in that Jesus as our Passover Lamb, suffered and died in the same night. He experienced the burning fires of Calvary (Heb 12:29). He was without sin, unleavened by any taint of evil; He experienced the bitter sufferings of the cross. Therefore the gospel is not to be presented as if Christ were a mere martyr, or watered down in any matter. It must be exactly presented as God demands it, to save. The Jew must feed upon the virtues of the lamb. The head, the legs and the purtenence were to be fed upon. So the child of God feeds upon Christ’s mind (the head- the Epistles), the walk of Christ (the legs-the Gospels), and the inward motives and affections of Christ (the purtenance- the inward parts- the Psalms, prophets, etc; {e.g. "My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me Psa. 22:1}). 
They were not to just get a bite of the Lamb, but they were to feast upon the lamb. God wanted them to be "full of the Lamb." Ready to make the journey to Canaan. To make it to heaven we will have to be full of his word, which will make us strong for the pilgrimage. Remember Jesus said “my words are spirit and they are life.”

k.    How the Lamb was to be Eaten- Ex 12:11

The Passover lamb was not to be eaten in a casual manner. It was to be eaten in haste (hurriedly, with trepidation), ready for departure from the house of bondage.
1.     Loins were to be girded- Eph. 6:14; Luke 12:3-5; 1 Peter 1:13:
2.     Shoes must be on their feet- Eph. 6:15; Isa 52:7; Song 7:1
3.     Staff must be in their hand- Psa 23:4; To lean on and to assist in your walk.
4.     The lamb must be eaten in haste. Hebrews 11:13
This all must be done to be ready for departure, in a state of readiness. So the believer must have his loins girt with truth, his feet shod with the preparation of  the Gospel of Peace, and the staff of the Word in his hand as he partakes of Christ (Eph 6:13-17) .

Eating the lamb, the bitter herbs and the unleavened bread in haste made sure that the dough had no time to rise. This is no time for a believer to play around in Egypt of this world. The believer is a pilgrim and a stranger enroute for the heavenly country and the heavenly City of God (Heb. 11:10-16; 13:14; 1 Peter 1:13; 2:11).  Praise God! ARE YOU READY?!
If you have never accepted or if you have fallen away from Jesus Christ here are three steps you need to take to be saved:

Image result for abc's of salvation

You must admit you are a sinner, confess your sin to Jesus, repent (turn from all you know is wrong), ask Jesus to come in your heart, and begin to follow Jesus by reading and obeying his word and go to a bible believing church that teaches his word. And tell someone what Christ Jesus Has Done For You (Rev 12:10)  
May God through Christ bless you!

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