Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Feast of Passover: Part 6: Conclusion

"Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!

Holy Convocation- Ex 12:16

The Passover like all the other Feasts was considered a holy convocation which means a holy assembly. It was considered an extra Sabbath. No manner of work was to be done; all were to rest in the finished work of the lamb.
The believer finds true rest and the spiritual Sabbath in ceasing from his own works and resting in the finished work of Jesus Christ. Read Matt 11:28-30; Eph 2:8-9; Jn 17:1-4; 19:30.

w.    Healing Power in the Lamb – 2 Chron 30:13-20; Psa 105:37

As the Jews feasted on the body of the slain and roasted Passover lamb, it seems as if there was a great manifestation of the healing power of the Lord. The Psalmist tells us that there was not one feeble person among them when he brought them forth.
It is wonderful to note also that when Hezekiah restored the Feast of Passover back to the nation, the Lord Healed the people.
If healing took place under the typical lamb, how much more shall the people of the Lord find healing in the true Lamb, as they feast upon him (Ex 15:26; 3 Jn 2; Isa 53).

x.   The Song of Moses and the Lamb- Ex 15:1-19; Rev 15:1-4
There is no recorded song in the scripture until we come to the Song of Moses after the deliverance from Egypt by the power of the Passover Lamb. It is the first song recorded in the Word for us.  
            Similarly, none can sing the song of the redeemed until redeemed by the blood of the Lamb of God from Satan’s bondage (Rev 5:9-10). The saints who come out of great tribulation and stand on the sea of glass sing the song of Moses and the Lamb.

y.    Handfuls of Purpose for the Sower:

            In conclusion of this study of the Feast, some major references to the Passover in the scripture, here are the following:
1.     The original Passover Ex 12
2.     The second Passover after Israel left Egypt (Num 9:1-5).
3.     Passover at the end of the forty years in the wilderness journey with Joshua and the new generation as they enter the promise land (Josh 5:10-11). Joshua and Israel Pass-over Jordan.
4.     The Passover in the second month, held by King Hezekiah  (2 Chron. 30 with Num 9)
5.     The great Passover, kept by Josiah (2 King 23:21-23; 2 Chron. 35:18-19).
6.     The Passover restored and kept by Ezra, after the close of the seventy years of Babylonian captivity (Ez 6:19).
7.     The Passover seen in Ezekiel’s vision of the temple (Ezek. 45:21).
8.     The true Passover,  Jesus Christ fulfilling all the types (Matt 26-27; Mk 14-15; Luke 22-23; Jn 18-19; 1Cor. 5:6-8).
                         z. Note to consider:

The word Easter is actually based in the worship of Ishtar, and the word “Easter” comes from the goddess Ishtar which is a Babylonian goddess for fertility who was worshipped in the early spring during the spring equinox. This is where the rabbit and the worship of the egg came from. They worshipped the egg as a sign of fertility in Babylon and it has carried over into the Jewish Seder and Christianity through Roman paganism.  
  If you have never accepted or if you have fallen away from Jesus Christ here are three steps you need to take to be saved:

Image result for abc's of salvation

You must admit you are a sinner, confess your sin to Jesus, repent (turn from all you know is wrong), ask Jesus to come in your heart, and begin to follow Jesus by reading and obeying his word and go to a bible believing church that teaches his word. And tell someone what Christ Jesus Has Done For You (Rev 12:10)  
May God through Christ bless you!

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