Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Feast of Passover: Part 4: continued...

How Passover Works | HowStuffWorks

l.    The Lord’s Passover

The Lord told Israel he would pass through the land of Egypt and smite all the houses with death if there was no blood seen. He would “pass-over” the houses of Israel and the Egyptians if the blood was sprinkled. 
There is a double truth implied in the title “Passover” for the one in meant death and judgment on the firstborn. The Passover for the obedient meant divine protection and life. The destroying angel would not touch any house where the blood was. The covering blood was the token of the faith and obedience.
The child of God in Christ also passes-over from death to life in Christ’s sacrificial blood ( Rom 3:24-25; 1 Jn 3:14). Not any plague will come our dwelling as faith in the blood be exercised (Psa 91:1-10).
m.    A Memorial- Ex 12:14
The Passover was to be a memorial and ordinance forever in all their generations. It was to be kept as a Feast unto the Lord. It was a memorial of redemption and deliverance from Egyptian bondage of sin. Jesus instituted the ordinance of the Lord’s supper to replace the Passover supper. The table of the Lord is a memorial feast for he asks us to “do this in remembrance of me”(Matt 26:26-28).  

n.    The Midnight Hour- Ex 11:4-6; 12:29-30
The Feast was to be held before the midnight hour, for at that time the death angel would go through Egypt and smite the firstborn of man and beast if the blood was not applied. The “Midnight Hour” is always significant of the end of the age. It is always the darkest hour right before the dawn of a new day. At midnight there would be a great cry made as the death angel struck in every house which had rejected the Passover Lamb. Read the following (Matt 25:6, Job 34:20, Judges 16:3, Mark 13:35, Luke 11:5, Ex 11:4-6). All pointing to the end of the church age. 
o.    Not a Bone was to be Broken – Ex 12:46; Ps 34:20
When preparing and eating the Passover lamb, God instructed that no bones were to be broken. Undoubtedly, the full significance of this was not understood until the death of Jesus Christ. The soldiers broke the legs of the two thieves so they would speed up their deaths. But when they came to Jesus to break his legs they found him already dead, for he surrendered his spirit to the Father in death. He was not a disobedient sheep needing his legs to be broken, as were the two thieves. 
This prophecy speaks to us that his body might have been beat beyond comprehension, 
His inner man “bones” or “his spirit” was not broken. The outward man was broken, but his inward man stood strong. Moreover, God watched his word to fulfill it, both through type and fulfillment. Men fulfilled the scriptures unwittingly (Act 13:27; Jn 19:33-37). We can see that God rules not only over the just to fulfill his will but also over those who hate him as well (Psa. 76:10).   
p.    Unleavened Bread was Eaten Seven Days- Ex 12:15-20, 34, and 39.

We will study another time, but they were to put all leaven (yeast) out of their houses. No leaven was to be found in their habitations whether Jew or stranger for that week or they would be cut off from the congregation of Israel. For seven days they ate unleavened bread, beginning the night of Passover. The putting away of the leaven speaks of complete separation and putting away sin in our lives. All evil or leavening influences that would affect the believer are to be removed. No leaven was to remain in the house while that feast was celebrated.  

q.    Safety in The House inside the Door – Ex 12:22-24

One of the commandments of the Lord was that which pertained unto the security of the Jew or stranger. None were allowed to go outside the door of the house until God commanded it. Thus safety and security were conditional upon obedience, by staying inside the blood sprinkled door and in the household of faith, feeding on the lamb. If any Jew dare leave the house, stepping outside the blood sprinkled door, removed the guarantee of his safety (Heb 10:26). He would have undoubtedly met the death angel in the land.
Thus the child of God’s security is to stay inside the blood sprinkled door (Christ Jn: 10:9), and in the church. The church is his house *(1Tim 3:15, Eph 2:18-22; Heb 3:1-5). Remember what the spies told Rahab, when she let them down by that “Scarlet Thread,” as God was bringing judgment upon Canaan as he did upon Egypt by Israel. They told her to remain in the house with the scarlet thread, her, and her household, and they would be saved, but if any removed themselves from the house their blood would be upon their own head.  
Any disobedience is unbelief in the blood of the Lamb, and one becomes guilty of treading on the blood of the covenant (Heb 10:26-29). All must stay under his “covering blood.”

Praise God for The Blood of the Lamb!
If you have never accepted or if you have fallen away from Jesus Christ here are three steps you need to take to be saved:

Image result for abc's of salvation

You must admit you are a sinner, confess your sin to Jesus, repent (turn from all you know is wrong), ask Jesus to come in your heart, and begin to follow Jesus by reading and obeying his word and go to a bible believing church that teaches his word. And tell someone what Christ Jesus Has Done For You (Rev 12:10)  
May God through Christ bless you!

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